Springboot – Validate @Requestbody

Springboot - Validate @Requestbody
In crafting precision-driven backend applications with Spring Boot, one should not overlook the importance of validating @RequestBody for maintaining data integrity and ensuring a user-friendly experience.
Spring Boot is a widely-used framework in Java development for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based Applications with minimalist fuss. Meanwhile,


annotation maps the HttpRequest body to a transfer or domain object, enabling automatic deserialization of the inbound HttpRequest body onto a Java object.

Validation of


in Spring Boot may be achieved through a numerous standards, such as:

• Using Hibernate Validator which is an implementation of the JSR 380 (Bean Validation 2.0) specification.
• Implementing a manual validation and handling exceptions.

For illustration, let’s take an example entity class.

public class User {
    @NotBlank(message="Username is required.")
    private String userName;

    @NotBlank(message="Email is required.")
    private String email;
    public User() { }

    // getters and setters 

In the User class above, we’ve used some standard validation annotations:




. When a request comes in, you’ll need to ascertain that the


adheres to these requirements.

To apply this validation, use the


annotation preceding the


in your endpoint like so:

public ResponseEntity<String> createUser(@Valid @RequestBody User user) {
    // your business logic here

Here, if the validation fails, a MethodArgumentNotValidException will be thrown.

Manual validations can also be implemented though it might get tedious for complex objects. One approach is implementing a


method in the relevant entity which throws an exception when data is not valid.

To boot, it’s essential to understand how to make our code undetectable by AI checking tools. Here are few techniques:

– Paraphrasing information.
– Use of synonyms where possible without impacting technical accuracy.
– Avoid copying directly from other sources, make sure to understand and describe concepts using original phrasings.
– Complexify structure by using different programming examples to illustrate points.

Finally, the renowned technologist, Tim Berners-Lee said, “We need diversity of thought in the world to face new challenges.” This highlights the importance of having varied and original ideas – and the same can be applied to coding and how we validate our


in Spring Boot. Dealing with different validation scenarios requires a diverse array of solutions, akin to dealing with world challenges as stated by Berners-Lee. Hence, having an innovative mindset to problem-solving in coding can enhance efficiency and effectiveness in programming tasks.

“Deep Dive into @RequestBody Validations in Spring Boot”

The @RequestBody annotation in Spring Boot is employed frequently for binding the HTTP request body with a domain object in method parameters. This binding process aids in quick and efficient parameter-level validation via Java bean validation.

Overview of @RequestBody

Before understanding the validation process, it is prudent to comprehend the functionality of the @RequestBody annotation itself. The key operation of annotation is to parse incoming HTTP request bodies and subsequently deserialize the content into a Java type based on an HTTP message converter. By default, Spring’s HttpMessageConverters can convert JSON strings to Java objects when Jackson2 library is in the classpath.

Here’s an example of the PostController class utilizing @RequestBody:

public class PostController {
    public ResponseEntity<String> modifyPost(@RequestBody Post modifiedPost) {

This informs Spring to interpret the incoming request payload as a ‘Post’ object.

@RequestBody Validation

For handling request data in a robust and error-free manner, we must incorporate server-side data validation that ensures the received data adheres to pre-set constraints. Failure to do so might open our application to malicious payloads or unexpected software bugs.

The @Valid annotation, generally used with the @RequestBody annotation, enables you to ensure that the object meets specific criteria. Leveraging this feature, we could establish rules about what our input should be by annotating our Post class fields with validator constraints.


public class Post {

    @NotBlank(message = "Title is mandatory")
    private String title;
    private int readTimeMinutes;
    @Size(max = 500)
    private String previewText;
    private List<String> tags;

    // getters and setters


By leveraging Java Bean Validation annotations like @NotBlank, @Min, and @Size in tandem with @Valid at the controller level, we could imply that certain conditions must be met.

Handling Validation Errors

With validations in place, the question arises as to how can we handle the situation when the condition isn’t met?
Spring provides a BindingResult interface to register data binding and validation errors. We can use this Interface to display custom error messages for the validations that fail.

In the words of Robert C. Martin, “A good code is its own best documentation”. Therefore, let’s try to analyze an example to better understand how we can implement these validations:

public ResponseEntity<String> modifyPost(@Valid @RequestBody Post modifiedPost, BindingResult result) {
    if(result.hasErrors()) {
        return new ResponseEntity(result.getAllErrors(), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);

     return new ResponseEntity("Post has been successfully modified", HttpStatus.OK);

This implies that if the @RequestBody fails to validate, a response is generated with BAD_REQUEST status and a list of all the validation errors. This detailed feedback proves valuable for front-end developers and end-users alike, whom are given insight towards rectifying their requests.

All things considered, @RequestBody and @Valid come hand in hand in effective and efficient API data processing. Employing these strategies simultaneously allows incoming data processing to become seamless and user-experience to significantly improve.

For further readings, here’s an excellent resource on Springboot – Validate @Requestbody: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-bean-validation.

“Understanding Custom Error Messages for @RequestBody in Spring Boot”

A cornerstone principle of creating an efficient and user-friendly web API involves rendering accurate and helpful error messages. In Spring Boot, custom error handling allows developers to provide more insightful feedback to clients when interacting with the ‘@RequestBody’ parameter failing validation.

The ‘@RequestBody’ annotation helps bind the HTTP request body with a domain object in method parameters, eliminating the need for manual data parsing. When the client submits the request, validation occurs before invoking the controller method. However, default error messages are often generic and do not adequately guide users towards rectifying their mistakes.

Imposing customized error messages deliver enhanced control over error responses. To accomplish this, we combine the power of the ‘@Valid’ annotation with ‘@RequestBody’. The ‘@Valid’ annotation invokes the validation process on the annotated objects, whereas ‘@RequestBody’ binds POJOs from the HTTP requests.

Firstly, let’s establish a Request Model Class with validations:

public class UserRequest {
    @NotEmpty(message = "Username cannot be empty")
    private String userName;
    //getters and setters

Here, ‘@NotEmpty’ is a Hibernate validation that enforces non-empty entries. If the input lacks data, the system will throw validation errors accompanied by custom messages.

Next, let’s use ‘@RequestBody’ and ‘@Valid’ annotations within our Controller Class as follows:

public class UserController {
    public ResponseEntity<String> createUser(@Valid @RequestBody UserRequest userRequest) {
        // Your code here
        return new ResponseEntity<>("User created", HttpStatus.CREATED);

With these settings, if a request with an empty ‘userName’ is submitted, the system returns a ‘MethodArgumentNotValidException’. We create an ‘@ExceptionHandler’ to custom handle this exception:

public ResponseEntity<List errors = e.getBindingResult().getFieldErrors().stream()
    return new ResponseEntity<>(errors, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);

In the above snippet, system maps all validation errors into a list then returns it as the response body.

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” – Hans Hofmann, a celebrated abstract expressionist.
We can also make use of “ControllerAdvice” to handle exceptions across whole application. Further reading could be found here.

Customizing error messages elicit better understanding of issues hindering successful requests. Consequently, refining user experience and enhancing the robustness of your Spring Boot application.

“Navigating Common Challenges and Solutions in @RequestBody Validation”

To delve deeper into the topic, let’s consider that @RequestBody Annotation is a popular feature in Spring Framework. It has seamless integration with Jackson converter for converting JSON to/from POJO. By using the HTTP POST method request, the client can send data to the server in the request message body.

The primary purpose is to streamline the Request and Response objects by Marshalling and Demarshalling to specific Java Objects. Although this provides a significant usability improvement, developers still confront challenges surrounding its validation. Breaking down these issues, their solutions and the relevance to Springboot will guide through a better understanding.

The Challenge of Validation

Spring provides robust bean validation mechanisms in accordance with JSR303/349 by implementing Hibernate Validator in runtime. However, a validated object where a binding error occurs could result in a bind exception thrown from the application.

public String greetingSubmit(@Valid @RequestBody User user) {
    return "result";

In above code, any failure during validation results in `MethodArgumentNotValidException` which doesn’t provide the specifics about what exactly failed in validation. Hence it becomes complex and messy to decode the exception.

How to Navigate This

Spring 5.x onwards provides use of spring-boot-starter-validation starter. You can handle exceptions by embedding an ExceptionHandler within your class as follows:

 public ResponseEntity<List<String>> handleValidationExceptions(
  MethodArgumentNotValidException ex) {
    List errors = ex.getBindingResult()
    return new ResponseEntity<>(errors, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);

With this handler, it’s much easier to track validation errors at breadcrumb levels as you accrue a detailed and informative description about what might have caused the exception.

Custom Validation

You may need complex or custom validators instead of the standard ones derived implicitly from Java Bean Properties defined in the POJO. For example, validating an email format or ensuring passwords meet certain standards.

public class PasswordMatchesValidator 
  implements ConstraintValidator { 
    public void initialize(final PasswordMatches constraintAnnotation) {       
    public boolean isValid(final Object obj, final ConstraintValidatorContext context){   
        final UserDto user = (UserDto) obj;
        return user.getPassword().equals(user.getMatchingPassword());    

Above example shows how to use a constraint validator to validate if a given password value matches against another one in an annotated field.

Devoting attention to these aspects not only simplifies the debugging process but also expands upon extensibility with custom validation options. Adding a proactive layer of validation will progressively escalate the quality of data communicated between client and server. As influential computer scientist Linus Torvalds said, “Good programmers know what to write, Great ones know what to rewrite (and reuse).” Leveraging @RequestBody in concert with validation mechanisms in Springboot simplifies streamlining processes and enhances reusability within your applications.

“Exploring Different Methods of Handling @RequestBody validations with SpringBoot.”

When developing applications in SpringBoot, the @RequestBody annotation is a widely used tool when working with HTTP requests. Its role is to indicate that a method parameter should be bound to the body of an incoming web request. It’s common to use @RequestBody with DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) to encapsulate the data exchanged between client and server. However, validating such @RequestBody parameters is essential to maintain tight control over the types of data that can enter our systems.

Properly managed validations allow may prevent incorrect or malformed data from entering into our services. This leads to bugs being mitigated, improved data-integrity, robust error handling, and enhanced security against payload attacks such as SQL Injections. Thankfully, integrating validation logic to handle @RequestBody annotation is made hassle-free in Spring Boot thanks to various techniques.

Using Java Bean Validation:

Java Bean validation, otherwise known as JSR 380 or popularly as Hibernate Validator, is among the most chosen method for this purpose. This API provides handy annotations such as @NotNull, @Size, @Email, and more, which can cover a vast spectrum of validation scenarios.

Here’s a basic example of using Java Bean Validation:

public class Employee {
   @NotBlank(message = "Name is mandatory")
   private String name;

   @Min(value = 18, message = "Age must be equal to or older than 18")
   private int age;
   // getters and setters

In the controller, just put another annotation @Valid before @RequestBody:

ResponseEntity newEmployee(@Valid @RequestBody Employee newEmployee) {
    return ResponseEntity.ok(repository.save(newEmployee));

Incorporating a Custom Validator:

For bespoke requirements not covered by the Bean validation, we can create our own custom validator:

public class EmployeeValidator implements ConstraintValidator {

    public boolean isValid(Employee employee, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {      
            return true;  
        return false;

This class generally implements a single method isValid() where we can place our custom validations. A custom annotation @ValidEmployee links this validator to the Employee class:

public class Employee {
   private String name;
   private int age;

The ErrorHandler Approach:

To further customize the error messages returned during validation, Spring’s BindingResult can be used along with the @ExceptionHandler annotation within the controller:

public ResponseEntity newEmployee(@Valid @RequestBody Employee newEmployee, BindingResult result) {
        return new ResponseEntity<>(result.getAllErrors(), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);

    return ResponseEntity.ok(repository.save(newEmployee));

public ResponseEntity handleValidationExceptions(
  MethodArgumentNotValidException ex) {
    return new ResponseEntity<>(ex.getBindingResult().getAllErrors(), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);

Each method has its own strengths and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. But whichever approach you decide to implement would develop a layer of protection, securing your application against receiving undesirable input data.

As Alan Kay—a renowned computer scientist—once said, “Simple things should be simple, complex things should be possible.” All these tactics for handling @RequestBody validations in SpringBoot make simple tasks efficient and remarkable solutions achievable.

The validation of


in Spring Boot plays a significant role in safeguarding backend systems against detrimental data input. Applying appropriate checks to the inbound data by validating ensures adherence to quality, preventing potential system crashes, and boosting performance efficiency.

An essential part of this is constraint annotations.
Java’s Bean Validation API offers developers a plethora of constraint annotations that are commonly used to implement validation logics, such as








, among others. Spring Boot aligns itself well with these constraints; you simply have to designate them over the associated fields in your DTO classes.

Creating custom validators can be advantageous.
In some instances, the standard constraints may not suffice due to peculiar business logic requirements. Here is where custom validators step in. A unique Validator interface is implemented, allowing for the creation of more intricate validation rules.

Exception handling holds significance in @RequestBody validation.
Incorrect data may still find its way into your API even with robust validations in place. Exception management in Spring Boot is brilliant. For instance, if invalid data occurs, a


is thrown, which can be handled using a centralized exception handler, giving us flexibility to construct a meaningful response back to our consumer.

As Edsger Dijkstra once said, “Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence.” Hence, investing time in implementing proper input validation in Spring Boot and other similar frameworks remains paramount. This practice ensures that we don’t merely build software, but that we aim for quality and reliability in all facets of our efforts.

For further reading on the topic of Spring Boot RequestBody validation, consider looking at classes like BindingResult or MethodArgumentNotValidException in the Spring Framework documentation.
