Cannot Deserialize From Object Value (No Delegate- Or Property-Based Creator) Using Jackson

Cannot Deserialize From Object Value (No Delegate- Or Property-Based Creator) Using Jackson
To overcome the issue of “Cannot Deserialize From Object Value (No Delegate- Or Property-Based Creator)” in Jackson, one should ensure that their classes utilized are equipped with a no-argument constructor which enables Jackson to instantiate objects effectively and serialize or deserialize them with precision.
The “Cannot Deserialize From Object Value (No Delegate- Or Property-Based Creator)” error typically occurs when working with the Jackson library in Java. It signifies that Jackson, a JSON processing library, cannot convert a JSON string into an equivalent Java object due to the inability to find a suitable constructor or method in the target class.

Let’s explore this scenario by first presenting a structured outline of associated elements, followed by the problem explanation and solution in detail.

Error Cause Solution
Cannot Deserialize From Object Value (No Delegate- Or Property-Based Creator). Jackson is unable to find an appropriate constructor or method in the target class for parsing JSON string. Add an empty constructor to the class or ensure an annotated


method exists.

The underlying problem rests on the structure of the Java class that Jackson attempts to map the JSON string to. When it doesn’t find a fitting constructor or method, it throws the above error.

Typically, for a successful mapping, either of the below conditions must be met:

* The class must have a default no-argument constructor.
* The constructor or factory method that creates instances of the class from JSON property values must be annotated with `@JsonCreator`, and properties must bear the `@JsonProperty` annotations accordingly.

If neither condition is present, Jackson flounders during the conversion process as it tries to instantiate the class without a proper creator, thus throwing the aforementioned error.

For example, consider a class Person:

public class Person {
    private String name;
    public Person(String n) { = n;

If you attempt to deserialize a JSON object to this Person class using Jackson, it would trigger the stated error due to the absence of a no-arg constructor.

To fix this, providing a no-arg constructor alongside or annotating existing ones appropriately is required:

public class Person {
    private String name;

    public Person() {}

    public Person(@JsonProperty("name") String n) { = n;

Now, Jackson can conveniently map JSON objects to the Person class instance without any errors.

As renowned tech pioneer Alan Kay once said, _”Simple things should be simple, complex things should be possible.”_ This scenario reflects that principle; a few simple changes can address this complexity effectively.

Solving the Jackson Deserialization Dilemma

When sessions with data deserialization using Jackson arises, developers often face an issue where the system throws a

"JsonMappingException: cannot deserialize from Object value"

. This situation presents a conundrum commonly known as the “Jackson Deserialization Dilemma”.

By and large, this problem arises predominantly when Jackson is attempting to deserialize a JSON object into a Java PoJo but lacks a viable approach to do it. Every operation for data deserialization necessitates either default no-argument constructor or a delegate/property-based creator – precisely what the error message propounds.

To mitigate this issue, there are two prominent solutions:

Solution Option One: Utilize A No-Argument Constructor

The JVM has a standard prerequisite of an empty, no-argument constructor while instantiating objects via reflection. Given that Jackson uses similar constructive measures for data deserialization, all classes involved in JSON serialization/deserialization require a default, no-argument constructor. Here’s a quick code snippet illustrating how to incorporate one:

public class MyClass {

    private String field;

    public MyClass() {

    /* getters and setters omitted for brevity */

Solution Option Two: Leveraging JsonCreator Annotation

In case you’re uncomfortable incorporating a no-argument constructor due to its implications on immutability, another alternative is employing Jackson’s


annotation. Alongside this annotation,


enables Jackson to tie constructor arguments to specific property names, permitting object instantiation even without a no-argument constructor. Please find a concise illustration below:

public class MyClass {

    private final String field;

    public MyClass(@JsonProperty("field")String field) {
        this.field = field;

    /* getters omitted for brevity */

These two techniques effectively ameliorate the Jackson Deserialization Dilemma. Consider reflecting upon your broader program architecture to determine which solution is most amenable to your project.

Moreover, if you’re intrigued by the theoretical aspects of serialization and deserialization, I highly recommend Martin Kleppmann’s blog post regarding the importance of these operations in distributed systems.

As the software engineering adage by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas goes, “The best way to predict the future is to invent it“, likewise data serialization and deserialization are significant tools in our invention kit as developers.

Unlocking the Mystery of Object Value Errors in Jackson

Jackson library is an eminent player in Java API space that aids in processing JSON. One of the common challenges confronted while working with Jackson appears when the Object-mapper fails to construct a new instance of a class as it doesn’t discern any approach to deserialize it. The error that comes up invariably states, “Cannot Deserialize From Object Value (No Delegate- Or Property-Based Creator)”.

Now, let’s submerge into the details of this issue. Here is what you possibly might be witnessing:

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize instance of `` out of START_OBJECT token

In essence, this error surfaces if Jackson fails to find a matching constructor or factory method to initialize your target object. To unpack it further, we must fathom how Jackson operates:

– Jackson employs “getters” for serialization and “setters” for deserialization.
– For each item, it will pursue to invoke a setter that aligns according to Java Bean guidelines.
– If it can’t discern a simple setter, it looks out for a constructor or factory method taking one argument.

You’re prone to encounter such issues under particular circumstances:

– When all fields are private.
– There aren’t default constructors.
– Non-static inner classes result in deserialization problems.

In order to fix the glitch, you can follow either of these approaches:

– Explicate an empty constructor (in scenarios where none exists).
– Leverage




annotations for customization.
– Utilize


before each field, making sure they bear accurate matches to the JSON payload.

Here is a snippet to illustrate:

public class MyObject {

    private String id;
    private String name;

    public MyObject(@JsonProperty("id") String id, @JsonProperty("name") String name) { = id; = name;

    // getters and setters...

Embracing one of these procedures will effectively assist Jackson in mitigating the impediment, thereby resolving the error of ‘Cannot Deserialize From Object Value’.

Just as Edsger W. Dijkstra articulated, “Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability.” Even though Object mapping may seem complicated at first sight, breaking it down reveals its simple, reliable core functionality within the Jackson library.

On a side note, keeping track of best practices while writing code plays a pivotal role in minimizing such errors. It keeps the application layer from turning chaotic, aims not only to avoid regular pitfalls but also to ensure security adherence as much as possible. This indeed gets pertinent when developing complex software systems for large-scale applications.

Exploring Baeldung’s guide turns out beneficial in delving deeper into the matter}

Property-Based Creator: Comprehensive Understanding and Its Role in Jackson

Dealing with serialization and deserialization in Java can often be tricky, especially when using robust libraries like Jackson. The “Cannot deserialize from object value (no delegate- or property-based creator)” error is a common problem faced by developers.

At the core of Jackson is its ability to transform JSON into Java objects and vice versa – this process is referred to as serialization and deserialization, respectively.

Property-Based Creator: A Comprehensive Understanding

The basis for understanding the error lies in comprehending what


is. In Jackson, creators are methods or constructors that the library uses to instantiate a type, these constructors or methods are typically annotated with



Jackson determines whether it should use a property-based creator or delegate-based creator depending upon the annotations present on the constructor or method.

A property-based creator receives separate arguments from JSON properties to construct an object. This kind of creator would look something like:

Grace Hopper, a computer scientist and U.S. Navy rear admiral, stated: “To me programming is more than an important practical art. It is also a gigantic undertaking in the foundations of knowledge.”

A property-based creator in action:

class Example {
    public Example(@JsonProperty("property1") int property1, @JsonProperty("property2") String property2) {

On the other hand, a delegate-based designer will receive a single JSON value or entire JSON tree which is necessary for object creation – allowing conversion at a later point.

The error message “Cannot deserialize from object value (no delegate- or property-based creator)” comes to light when Jackson is trying to deserialize a JSON document and doesn’t locate an appropriate creator.

The Role of Jackson in Solving Deserialization Issues

Your resolution typically comes down to instructing Jackson on how to create instances of your type. What does this mean?

  • You might supply a no-argument constructor, which Jackson will make use of by default.
  • If you can’t or don’t want to offer a no-argument constructor, define a constructor or method with the

    annotation, and include the


    annotation to its arguments. This way, you’re specifying a property-based creator explicitly.

  • In cases where complicated logic or transformation before object creation is necessary, delegate-based creators could be your solution.

In large projects where manually adding constructors/creators might be cumbersome, you could resort to other solutions including:

Although this topic extends far and wide, this articulation should provide a fundamental summary and act as a starting point when dealing with this particular class of issues in Jackson.

Corrective Measures to Address ‘No Delegate’ Issues in Jackson

The ‘Cannot Deserialize From Object Value (No Delegate-‘ or ‘Property-Based Creator)’ error using Jackson hints at potential problems with how Jackson’s deserialization mechanism processes incoming JSON data. It is often related to Jackson being unable to instantiate an instance of the expected class type because a suitable creator method or constructor is missing. The common causes and mitigation measures against these will be delved into, within this context.

“In programming, we are continually dealing with classes of problems, and making things simpler often requires understanding complex frameworks underneath and even then, trying to make that complexity easier to deal with.” – Alex Payne

Meticulously examining your class definition against the data structure can unveil these matters:

1. Lack of default constructor: A primal source of this issue often ensues from the absence of a no-argument constructor in your respective class. Jackson employs no-argument constructors when deserializing objects. If it doesn’t exist, Jackson cannot create an instance of your class and throws the noted error.

A solution would to provide a no-argument constructor in your class.

      public class MyClass {
          private String example;

          // Needed for Jackson
          MyClass() {}

          // Your other constructors...

2. Necessity for @JsonCreator annotation: For classes where you desire to utilize multi-argument constructors or static factory methods, annotate those with



Ponder upon including this for such classes:

      public class MyClass {
          private String example;
          public MyClass(@JsonProperty("example") String example) {
              // ...

3. Impending need for @JsonProperty annotation: The usage of


assists Jackson to map JSON property names to class field names seamlessly, which impels toward correct deserializing of objects.

Consider amending the class with annotations like so:

        public class MyClass {
            private String example;
            // ....

This trifecta of measures can be instrumental in addressing the ‘no delegate-‘ or ‘property-based creator’ issues encountered during Jackson deserialization. Typically, the problem is attributed to Jackson not finding the requisites it needs to correctly construct an object from serialized JSON data. Implementing the solutions above should ameliorate the majority of instances.

Further Reading:

For more conceptual detail and resolution techniques, consider going through the following online articles:

Handling Exceptions During Deserialization with Jackson
Jackson Annotations – @JsonCreator & @JsonProperty

The Jackson deserialization issue, “Cannot Deserialize From Object Value (No Delegate- Or Property-Based Creator)”, is a common stumbling block for many Java developers. It primarily occurs when attempting to deserialize JSON into a Java object, specifically an object that doesn’t have a default constructor or a recognized accessor. This Jackson library error message essentially communicates that it cannot figure out how to instantiate the specified object.

Here’s a classic and all-too-common scenario: You receive a JSON payload, you wish to convert this payload into a Java object but stumble upon this obstacle.

public class User {
private String name;
private int age;

// getters and setters omitted for brevity.

Upon using Jackson to deserialize the JSON into this ‘User’ object, you encounter the “Cannot Deserialize From Object Value” error because Jackon doesn’t find a straightforward way to instantiate this particular ‘User’ class.

The resolution typically lies in defining an explicit no-args constructor within your target (Java) class – that Jackson can use during the deserialization process:

public class User {
private String name;
private int age;

public User() { }

// getters and setters omitted for brevity.

In addition, if you wish to avoid exposing such a no-args constructors (for design reasons or otherwise), the




annotations provided by Jackson are indispensable. They enable the specification of which constructor or factory method Jackson should utilize for object instantiation during deserialization.

Remember, Bill Gates once said, “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” Similarly, Jackson tries finding an easy, clear way to instantiate your objects. By providing explicit accessors as instructed, you’re collaborating with Jackson – just like two teammates striving towards the same goal.
