Eclipse 2021-06 Classformaterror Accessible Module Java.Base Does Not Opens Java.Lang To Unnamed Module

Eclipse 2021-06 users, when confronted with a ClassFormatError stating that the accessible module Java.Base does not open Java.Lang to an unnamed module, have discovered this issue typically surfaces as a result of inconsistency in Java version compatibility. Ensuring all modules are congruous with the specifically utilized Java version can effectively rectify these concerns, advancing project progression without interruption.

While working with the Eclipse 2021-06, it is observed that a common error faced by developers is ClassFormatError: Accessible module java.base does not open java.lang to an unnamed module. To understand this issue deeper, observe the subsequent table representation where remarkable elements have been illustrated.


Error Reason Solution
ClassFormatError: Accessible module java.base doesn’t open java.lang to an unnamed module This error by and large occurs due to improper or incompatible JDK settings in your development environment. To resolve this problem, accurately setting the Java Development Kit (JDK) in the Eclipse preferences will be beneficial.


Frequently faced by Java developers using Eclipse 2021-06, ‘ClassFormatError: Accessible module java.base does not open java.lang to unnamed module’, implies that there exists a misconfiguration or incompatibility in your JDK settings within Eclipse. This could either be due to utilization of a non-supported JDK version or perhaps a conflict amongst versions.

To remedy the situation, rectify the Java Development Kit (JDK) settings in your project. This involves going to the specific configuration settings in Eclipse and making sure you’re using a supported JDK for compiling the source code. Open Eclipse preferences or settings, navigate through ‘Java’ >> ‘Installed JREs’ methods, ensure the JRE used is same as JDK installed. Also, make sure that the compilation anticipates ‘Modulepath’, not ‘Classpath’.

Citing Mitchell Harper, co-founder of BigCommerce, “Our task as software developers is to build solutions to problems, not write code.”, the solution provided should assuage the aforementioned problem, allowing you to continue your work in a more efficient manner while utilizing Eclipse 2021-06. However, do remember, problems like these are not uncommon, for every software model has room for modification and improvement, and resolving such issues is part of the developer’s journey and growth.

Understanding the ClassFormatError in Eclipse 2021-06

Understanding the ClassFormatError in Eclipse 2021-06: Focusing on “Eclipse 2021-06 Classformaterror Accessible Module Java.Base Does Not Opens Java.Lang To Unnamed Module”



in Eclipse 2021-06 may be an uncomfortable challenge for most developers. This type of error may occur when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) cannot parse a bytecode stream, making the format of a class file unreadable or unacceptable.

If you encounter the error message ”

Eclipse 2021-06 Classformaterror Accessible Module Java.Base Does Not Opens Java.Lang To Unnamed Module

“, it indicates a particular issue relating to incorrect module configuration in Eclipse.

Modules – a feature introduced in Java 9 – aim to provide better organization and control over the codebase by dividing it into different interconnected modules. However, if not configured properly, these modules can lead to errors like the one here.

Why does this error occur?

This error occurs due to an attempt to use a class from the “java.lang” package that hasn’t been opened for reflection to the unnamed module, despite being accessible from the module “java.base”. The overarching issue is related to what’s known as the Java Platform Module System (JPMS), which aims for better incapsulation and reliable configuration.

It’s worth mentioning that unnamed modules hold all classes loaded through the traditional classpath mechanism rather than the modular path, thus causing potential inconsistencies with accessibility rules.

How to resolve it?

Resolving this error requires understanding the concepts of “opens” and “exports” in JPMS. In layman’s terms:

  • “Exports” gives compiled classes in other modules the capability to access public types (and their member fields, constructors, and methods).
  • “Opens”, on the other hand, loosens up this restriction at runtime, allowing classes in another module, via reflection, to gain access even outside the boundary.

A potential solution, therefore, would be to ensure that ‘java.base’ opens ‘java.lang’ to the unnamed module. This could be done using command-line options with the ‘–add-opens’ parameter when launching your JVM modules. As an example:

For Example:

--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED


Although ideally, you should start migrating away from unnamed modules, there are times where the utilization of legacy non-modularized libraries makes migration unviable.

Familiarizing oneself with JPMS

To avoid future anomalies related to JPMS and increase efficiency in utilizing modern versions of Java, it’s beneficial to actively familiarize oneself with Java modules’ intricacies. World-renowned software engineer Robert C. Martin encapsulates this need for continuous learning perfectly:

“The only constant in the technology industry is change.”

It’s key to keep evolving and adapting our knowledge base to take advantage of newly introduced features, especially ones like JPMS, providing greener programming pastures to explore and conquer.

In conclusion, accurate comprehension of the module system in Java holds the key to resolving this error and reaping many benefits like improved structure, stronger incapsulation, and superior maintainability offered by JPMS. Recommended resources include official Java 9 Module Documentation and the ‘Java 9 Modules Tutorial on Baeldung‘.

Exploring Accessible Modules and Unnamed Modules in Java

To understand the issue of “Eclipse 2021‐06 ClassFormatError: Accessible module java.base does not open java.lang to unnamed module,” it is pivotal to grasp the concept of named modules, unnamed modules, and accessible modules in Java. When designing applications in Java, especially from version 9 onwards, the modular system adopts a fundamental role.

The principle behind the visibility of packages between modules lies at the heart of the error in question.


named module

is a module that we define with the file. It is part of the Modular JDK system, allowing the Java platform to scale down its granularity. In contrast, an

unnamed module

is a module without a name, arises when CLASSPATH compiles a code, and encapsulates an automatic or traditional jar file.

The problem seems to lie in the fact that the module java.base isn’t making the java.lang package visible to an unnamed module. This lack of visibility introduces the ClassFormatError encountered within Eclipse’s 2021-06 environment.

The error is ADDR in nature. You can resolve this by assessing your application design against these elements:

Accessible Modules:
Module accessibility is generally governed by the exports clauses in the module descriptor ( For another module to use the package, it has to be exported amid the definition of the module where it resides. You need to review all declarations in this locale critically.

Dependency Management:
Closely manage project dependencies, ensuring they have been correctly declared, implementing mandatory changes in the build file, such as Maven’s pom.xml or Gradle’s build.gradle, which are paramount for correct propulsion of the modular structure within your application. The addition of modules should be reflected concurrently into ‘requires’ entries in all linked files.

Runtime Image Creation:
You could create a runtime image using jlink, containing only the modules that are relevant to the functionality of your application. Such an image will include java.base implicitly as it is the primary essential module for any Java application.

Some insight on Java programming from GitHub CEO, Nat Friedman, seems apt here — “When it comes to languages, platforms, and systems, become a jack of all trades and master of some.” Strive to understand different aspects, like modules and accessibility in Java, which will significantly aid you in overcoming these challenges.[source]

Resolving “java.base Does Not Open java.lang’ Error

The error ”

java.base does not open java.lang

” refers to a problem in which the “java.base” module, one of the core modules of Java Platform, doesn’t grant reflective access to classes package “java.lang” causing major issues with module accessibility. This can occur when using a recent version of JDK with an older version of a library or tool that is not fully modularized yet, implying that it tries to use internal APIs which are encapsulated in their corresponding modules.

In the context of Eclipse 2021-06 Classformaterror Accessible Module Java.Base Does Not Opens Java.Lang To Unnamed Module, this issue may arise as you try to engage undescribed modules that are incompatible with the defined ones in the JDK.

To fix this error, the upcoming analysis leans mainly on two options:

Firstly, Upgrade libraries/tools to a modularized version. Always ensure that your tools and dependencies library versions match up with the JDK version you’re using. Specifically for Eclipse IDE, update it to the latest version which accommodates and executes your specific required JDK seamlessly.

Secondly, Utilize ‘–add-opens’. The


option in JVM could be used as a workaround to allow an unnamed module to access “java.lang”.

Here’s how:

java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED EntryClass

Replace “EntryClass” with the name of your main class. You can add this line to your running configurations on Eclipse under “VM arguments”.

Utilizing ‘–add-opens’ method should solely be used when you cannot upgrade your library, as it opens up encapsulated packages to “ALL-UNNAMED”, thus defeating the purpose of having a strong encapsulation mechanism introduced in Java Modules, but functions as a viable temporary solution.

Considering the advice from James Gosling, the father of Java, “Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live”, we must be careful while using ‘–add-opens’. It allows maximum accessibility which might leave your code vulnerable.

Take note that your running environment and toolchain should ideally be updated to fully support JDK’s modular system to get the best performance and manageability out of your Java project. Staying updated with new features and amendments will serve a long way to maintain the security and efficiency of your applications without depending on makeshift methods. For troubleshooting more specified programming errors on Eclipse, always check on the official Eclipse Community forums for extra insights.

Implications of Module Accessibility on Java Programming

When discussing the implications of module accessibility on Java programming, emphasis must be placed on addressing an important issue pertinent to Eclipse 2021-06, more specifically, the

ClassFormatError: Accessible module java.base does not open java.lang to unnamed module


To comprehend the intricacies of this error and identify suitable solutions, understanding the fundamentals of Java Platform Module System (JPMS) is essential. Introduced in Java 9, JPMS was implemented to bring modularity into the Java ecosystem. It promotes maintainability, performance, security and encapsulation.

  1. Maintainability – Modules result in well-structured and easily maintainable code.
  2. Performance – The JVM can better optimize your application by knowing exact dependencies due to explicit module definitions.
  3. Security – Encapsulation increases security as internal classes are hidden.

However, with all its benefits, it brings certain challenges. One key challenge mentioned in the context of Eclipse 2021-06 pertains to an unidentified module trying to access the package java.lang within the module java.base. The error reported is a direct fallout of the built-in protections within JPMS that prevent unauthorized access to modules.

Modules in JPMS remain inaccessible unless they’re explicitly opened to other modules or packages. That means if operations such as reflection require access to classes in another module, possibly for debugging or testing purposes, it’s necessary to configure the source module to open relevant packages.

Consequently, for resolving the


, the answer lies in managing the visibility of modules effectively, particularly when dealing with reflective access. One such solution for the above error can be accepting command-line flags that permit opening of certain modules or packages.

A noteworthy example is:

--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED

In essence, this command allows the java.lang package inside the java.base module to be opened for reflective access to all unnamed modules. It fine-tunes the system’s accessibility rules.

As Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, once said: “There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.” Although the module system in Java might have its drawbacks or complexities to deal with initially, it has been fabricated to revolutionize the vast ecosystems of Java over time. Hence, understanding and embracing these changes could be a key deciding factor in leveraging the full potential of Java programming.
Some developers using Eclipse 2021-06 have encountered the


: Accessible module java.base does not open java.lang to unnamed module. This error prompts a significant obstacle in executing Java programs/applications, which necessitates an in-depth understanding of its root cause and potential solutions.

Before we delve deeper, allow us to clarify the technical terms featured in this error message. In the world of Java programming, it’s crucial to understand two key elements:

  • Module: Introduced in Java 9, modules are a collection of packages designed for JDK scaling. Modules facilitate modular programming and assist in solving JAR Hell problems.
  • Unnamed Module: Any code not part of a named module belongs to an unnamed module in the JVM. Each class loader has one unnamed module.



appears when an accessible module (java.base) doesn’t open the package(java.lang) to another unnamed module. Essentially, there’s an attempt to reflectively access a member(package/method/field) that resides in another Java module, which is not opened for reflection. Such an issue can be challenging because Eclipse 2021-06 supports Java 12 and newer versions where the module system came into effect.


A simple yet effective solution might involve passing a command-line option,


, which allows opening of packages to unnamed modules on JVM.

Below is a coding example with the aforementioned solution applied:

--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED

Another alternative approach would require modifying your

file as shown below:

module my.module {
    requires java.base;
    opens java.lang;

Now remember, in cases where you don’t control the other module, or if no explicit module was defined, things may get more complex. Careful planning and comprehensive knowledge of modules is required to effectively tackle this matter.

As Conway’s Law joked, “Any organization will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization’s communication structure.” Thus, when addressing this issue, it’s critical to learn how each functional unit of your code communicates with others.
