Spring Boot 2.5.0 Generates Plain.Jar File. Can I Remove It

When working with Spring Boot 2.5.0, it’s a common occurrence to see generation of Plain.Jar file. This particular file is generated as a part of the output from your Spring Boot application. In terms of removal, it is entirely possible if it isn’t actively used by your application’s functionality. However, bear in mind that it can reappear every time you rebuild your project. This is due to the inherent nature of Spring Boot’s work process, where it routinely generates and updates file structures. Ultimately, unnecessary or unused files like these aren’t typically harmful but before deletion ensure its redundancy in your current project setup so as to not accidentally impede your program.
Spring Boot 2.5.0, as one of the advanced versions of the Spring Boot framework, is known for its simplified Spring-based applications development process. It significantly helps to produce standalone and production-ready web services or web applications with the least configuration. One of its notable features is the automatic creation of JAR files that serve as the favored packaging mechanism for deploying a Spring Boot application.

On the generated `plain.jar` file issue: it’s an executable JAR file that contains dependencies as well as class files. It also provides a manifest that makes it possible to run your application in no time by using java -jar command.

Now, can you remove it? The answer leans more on the negative side. Observe the following table:

Item Description
Why Generated? Provides a self-sufficient means of running your application.
Dependencies? Included in .jar file.
Can I remove it? No, it is a key component for deployment and running the application.

Let’s dive into the insights extracted from the table:

– The `plain.jar` file gets created to offer a self-contained way to kickstart your application swiftly. This jar encapsulates your application, along with libraries on which the project depends, making the application naturally portable across various environments.

– Interestingly, all dependent Java libraries needed by your application are rolled together within this `plain.jar` file. Hence, there’s no need to worry about missing any external library when porting the application to a different setting. Or even managing numerous assorted library versions.

– The primary reason why it’s unwise to remove the `plain.jar` file is its critical function. An integral part of your application’s deployment and start-up process, completely removing it would likely result in unexpected behavior or failure to launch the application correctly.

As Robert C. Martin, a remarkable software engineer, once said, “The purpose of software engineering is to control complexity, not to create it”. Persistently, Spring Boot is doing pretty well with these executables jars aiding developers in taming complexity.

Exploring the Functionality of Spring Boot 2.5.0 Plain.Jar File

Spring Boot 2.5.0, like its predecessors, generates what is known as a “plain jar” file during the build process. This plain jar file is essentially a non-executable version of your application, released alongside the typical executable .jar file that is the hallmark of any Spring Boot deployment.

Executable .jar file Plain .jar file
Includes all dependencies and acts as a self-contained application Only contains the classes and resources specific to your application

Discussing the question “Can I remove it?”, the short answer is yes, you can, but you may not want to.

Here are a few reasons why:

Deployment Versatility: Depending upon the deployment environment or Java runtime environment, there are instances where a plain .jar may be far easier or more practical to use.

Advanced Debugging: If an error manifests itself only when the application is running as a standalone executable jar, then the plain .jar can provide a useful diagnostic tool.

Size: Unlike the executable .jar file, the plain.jars do not incorporate external dependencies, making their file size considerably smaller. This results in faster build times and less storage space consumption.

Remove the plain .jar if you are certain that these features will not be beneficial and your particular project does not mandate it. In addition, review your build configuration or Maven POM file to make sure you’re not generating unnecessary artifacts.

However, as quoted by Bill Gates regarding software optimization; “we should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.”

Insightfully considering every detail, even as seemingly trivial as retaining or removing a plain .jar file, can ultimately determine the degree of success that a software project, such as one built on Spring Boot, achieves.

Spring Boot’s official documentation on Jar file structure provides more information here. The guide also gives insight into how to disable generation of the ‘plain jar’ file through the configuration with


, if required.

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Deciphering the Purpose of Plain.Jar Files in Spring Boot 2.5.0

Spring Boot 2.5.0, the popular Java-based framework, has been known to generate plain.jar files. The generation of plain.jar files might initially come across as perplexing or extraneous; however, these files have a greater significance for developers.

Plain.jar files act as fundamental repositories which hold the compiled bytecode of your Java apps. These .jar (Java Archive) files enable the packaging of multiple Java class files and associated metadata and resources (texts, images, etc.) into one file for more efficient distribution and use. Moreover, it helps in version control and dependency management as each of these jars can be versioned individually.

// An example of packaged .jar file structure

If you’re contemplating whether these files can be eliminated, it’s vital to consider their purpose and the subsequent impact of their removal on your project.

Notwithstanding this, it is indeed possible to remove a plain.jar file if, say, it’s not directly needed by your application at runtime or there are disk space constraints on your server. Yet, extreme caution must be exercised during this process as any inappropriate deletion could potentially induce unrecoverable damage to your project. The redundancy or necessity of plain.jar depends entirely on the specific use case of your application. Thus, it is advisable for developers to evaluate their requirement with care before proceeding to eliminate plain.jar files.

A good course of action would be to undertake a thorough evaluation of dependencies required in your Spring Boot project prior to starting development. This will aid in mitigating such confusion revolving around the relevance and necessity of plain.jar files.

In the words of Robert C. Martin, a revered figure in Java development circle, “The best code is no code at all.” This quote emphasises the importance of clutter-free coding and usage of resources, indirectly hinting towards efficient use of dependencies such as plain.jar files.

For more helpful advice on managing spring boot projects, I recommend browsing through the official Spring Boot documentation. Cybernetic intellects have yet to evolve to an extent where they can autonomously select or discard project dependencies with acumen encoded intuition of a human developer.

Pros and Cons: Removing a Generated Plain.Jar in Spring Boot

Let’s delve into the topic of keeping or removing the generated plain JAR file in Spring Boot, specifically in the context of the version 2.5.0. The generation of a `plain.jar` file is part of Spring Boot’s build process. This JAR file is an unmodified artefact that contains application code and dependencies. The main differences are:

– The `plain.jar` is not executable
– It does not have embedded container set up
– The classes from dependencies are not unpacked into the BOOT-INF/classes/ in the JAR.

Is it right to remove this? Let’s dissect its benefits and downsides.

Benefits of Keeping Plain.Jar

Fallback option: The `plain.jar` works as a great fallback option when the executable JAR has issues related to the embedded containers.
Testing Importance: The `plain.jar` is often used for testing since it’s lightweight compared to the fat/uber jar and thus speeds up the build-test-deploy cycle.
Maven Repositories: Keeping `plain.jar` provides the means to upload a non-executable artifact to Maven repositories for other projects to use them as a dependency.

Cons of Keeping Plain.Jar

Unused Artifacts: For many Spring Boot applications, especially microservices-oriented ones, the created non-executable `plain.jar` ends up unused and can inflate the total size of produced artifacts.

So, whether to keep or remove the `plain.jar` comes down to your specific needs. If you’re primarily using the executable JAR and do not utilize the ‘plain’ version, it could be removed to retain only required entities. However, if the plain JAR offers beneficial functionalities such as faster testing and serving as a Maven dependency, it would be advantageous to keep it.

Here’s how to prevent the creation of plain.jar if you decide to remove it:


The empty “ configuration informs Spring Boot’s Maven plugin to replace the regular JAR with the executable one, instead of generating both.

As Tom Stoppard, a playwright, once said “It’s not the voting that’s democracy; it’s the counting”. Similarly, in programming, it’s not the creation but the competent management of the components that count. Therefore, understanding the usage and necessity of such components aids in making insightful decisions.

Please refer to the official documentation for more details on managing Spring Boot’s artifacts.

Practical Steps for Safe Removal of Plain.Jar from a Spring Boot Project

Indeed, the generation of a plain .JAR file in your Spring Boot 2.5.0 project can result from multiple dependencies but poses no direct advantage to your application runtime. The presence of this plain .JAR might seem redundant or unnecessary, however, it’s important to approach its removal with utmost caution and consider the points that I will illustrate below:

1. Understand its Origin: Before attempting to remove the plain .JAR files, it is critical to grasp their origin. These files are typically generated as part of the build process in Spring Boot projects. They contain the compiled classes and resources of your project, but without the embedded server, additional dependencies and autoconfiguration which characterizes an executable .JAR in Spring Boot.

2. Analyze Dependencies: It’s always prudent to analyze your dependencies before undertaking any major alterations. Use Maven’s


command for this reason. Many a time, removal of even a seemingly insignificant dependency could potentially initiate a knock off effect on other dependencies leading to unexpected system errors.
For example:

<!-- Use Maven Plugin -->

3. Verify Impact: After identifying the dependencies associated with your plain .JAR file, study their impact on your overall project. If you find that removing these dependencies do not affect anything, it could be safe to proceed. However, if in doubt, err on the side of caution.

4. Direct Removal: Post validating, you can directly remove the plain .JAR file from your project’s target directory. However, be informed that it would only be a temporary measure as it might get regenerated upon rebuild.

5. Prevent Generation: To prevent the continuous regeneration of this file, make changes to your project’s build plugins configuration in your pom.xml file. Specifically, you should modify your Spring Boot Maven Plugin configuration to setup your project to only produce an executable .JAR file.
Setting up the plugin configuration would look something close to this:


Remember, “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” – Martin Fowler. Exercise caution when manipulating dependencies, and always prioritize readability and simplicity in your code base.
The ins and outs of Spring Boot 2.5.0 are burgeoning with intriguing efficiencies, including the generation of a plain .jar file. This cannot be overstated: The generation of this independent .jar is no mere happenstance. Instead, it is an innovative feature, meticulously designed to ensure that applications can run conveniently in different environments without necessitating additional software installations.

<!-- Your packaging setup -->

This code metaphorically assembles all the resources necessary into a single bundle, making deployment hassle-free. However, there may be scenarios in which you question the necessity of this file, considering removing it from your project.

Below are a few important points to consider:

– The jar file is an integral part of the application’s functionality. It encapsulates compiled java classes alongside related resources in a single package.
– Removing the jar file could potentially disrupt your application’s readability by Java Virtual Machine (JVM), rendering your application unusable.
– Without the standalone .jar file, you would need to install supplementary software for different environments before your application can run, increasing complexity.

It’s noteworthy that Robert C. Martin once expressed, “Clean code is not written by following a set of rules. You don’t become a software craftsman by learning a list of heuristics. Professionalism and craftsmanship come from values that drive disciplines”.

If efficiency, clarity, and portability sit at the core of your professional values, then keeping the plain.jar file generated by Spring Boot should align seamlessly with these values. Nonetheless, analysis of individual requirements and scenarios play a vital role when determining whether to keep or exclude elements like the plain.jar file. Remembering that every decision in coding may have clear or hidden implications, evaluating them until they are fully understood is fundamental to great programming.
