Why Has Javax.Persistence-Api Been Replaced By Jakarta.Persistence-Api In Spring Data Jpa Starter

Why Has Javax.Persistence-Api Been Replaced By Jakarta.Persistence-Api In Spring Data Jpa Starter
In the Spring Data JPA Starter, javax.persistence-api transitioned to jakarta.persistence-api as a part of an overall industry shift due to Oracle’s decision to relinquish control over Java EE technologies to the Eclipse Foundation; this progression is for technological enhancement and overall system improvement.
The transition from javax.persistence API to jakarta.persistence API in the Spring Data JPA starter package embodies a broader initiative of change within Java ecosystem. Let’s break down this trend and delve into reasons behind the switch using a table mapping for better readability.


Aspect javax.persistence jakarta.persistence
Ownership Owned and maintained by Oracle Under Eclipse Foundation’s management
Name Space Uses ‘javax.*’ Adopts ‘jakarta.*’
Development Pace Has slower development progress Shows faster pace of new features implementation
Community Engagement Less open to community influence High degree of community involvement

Analyzing the above mapping:

a) **Ownership**: Oracle was the custodian of the ‘javax.persistence’ API, controlling its development course and policy guidelines. However, due to numerous factors not least including legal restrictions, Oracle transferred the stewardship of various Java EE specifications, including JPA, to the Eclipse Foundation. This resulted in the renaming and introduction of ‘jakarta.persistence’ under the Jakarta EE platform.

b) **Name Space**: Due to Oracle’s restrictions on the use of the ‘javax.*’ package name, Eclipse needed to adapt its technology naming scheme, hence ‘jakarta.*’ took the helm.

c) **Development Pace**: Driven by the industry demand for more frequent updates and modernization, the community sought a quicker evolution pace which was realized with ‘jakarta.persistence’. This API’s developmental agility is essentially driven by the community, catering faster to modern application needs.

d) **Community Engagement**: There has been a pivotal shift from restraining community role with ‘javax.persistence’, to embracing community contributions and feedback with ‘jakarta.persistence’. This lends to a more dynamic and open-API development environment.

It should however be noted that both APIs coexist today, with a gradual and backwards compatible migration path in place.
As Steve Jobs once said: “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”. In the context of the Java ecosystem, it’s clear that moving towards ‘jakarta.persistence’ allows for the kind of innovation that keeps up with the rapidly changing landscape of software development.

Understanding the Transition: From javax.persistence-api to jakarta.persistence-api

The transition from `javax.persistence-api` to `jakarta.persistence-api` in Spring Data JPA Starter can be attributed largely to the strategic changes in the management and stewardship of Java EE, the renowned enterprise edition of the Java platform. Following the proactive decision by Oracle, the enabling components of Java EE were transferred to the Eclipse Foundation, leading to a significant overhaul in namespaces, which subsequently paved the way for renaming `javax.*` to `jakarta.*`.

Before discussing the reasons behind this transformation, let’s first delineate these two APIs:


This API is a segment of the former Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) and includes specifications for persisting, reading, managing, and querying data among object/relational entities.


It essentially mirrors javax.persistence-api, but with a revised namespace, as it falls under the purview of Jakarta EE, guardianship of which is now managed by the Eclipse Foundation.

Now, we’ll examine why Spring Data JPA initiated this switch:

1. License Modification and Improved Open Governance: The transfer from Oracle to the Eclipse Foundation brought about license restructuring from CDDL+GPL and EPL v2.0. This allowed the Java community to have a more inclusive and mutually beneficial active participation, adding value to tools like Spring Data JPA.

2. New Namespace: As a result of legal limitations, the Eclipse Foundation was unable to utilize the `javax.*` namespace for innovations and updates, compelling them to introduce an alternative: `jakarta.*`. Over time, this namespace is likely to include enhancements that `javax.*` won’t host.

3. Safeguarding Future Innovation: To ensure uninterrupted growth and innovation, adopters needed to transition to `jakarta.*`. Using `javax.persistence-api` would eventually lead to a stagnation due to lack of updates or advancements.

For instance, let’s consider a brief piece of code in which an entity class is annotated using the `@Entity` annotation. Under the old scheme (`javax.persistence-api`), the import statement for the `@Entity` annotation would resemble:

import javax.persistence.Entity;
public class Product {
    // class contents here

With the new `jakarta.persistence-api`, the `@Entity` annotation call will appear thus:

import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
public class Product {
    // class contents here

As we notice here, the transition does not really complicate the coding procedure; however, it provides a steadfast alignment with the future progress of Java EE, now represented as Jakarta EE.

James Gosling, the father of Java, once said, “One of the enduring mysteries of life is how something as large and complex as a programming system can grow out of one geek’s brain.” True enough, the realm of programming is constantly evolving with such transitions, ultimately aimed at enhancing efficiency and innovation.

For further distinction between these two APIs, please follow this link. It provides a detailed breakdown regarding the shift from Java EE to Jakarta EE, and better understanding of `javax.persistence-api` and `jakarta.persistence-api`.

Technical Reasons Behind the Replacement of javax.persistence-api by jakarta.persistence-api

The transition from javax.persistence-api to jakarta.persistence-api in Spring Data JPA Starter is due to a significant shift in the Java ecosystem. In 2018, Oracle transferred ownership of Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation, which led to the rebranding of “Java EE” to “Jakarta EE”. This change necessitated modification of package names from ‘javax.*’ to ‘jakarta.*’.

Termination of Oracle’s Stewardship

Oracle’s announcement to end its stewardship for Enterprise Java and the decision to transition control to the Eclipse Foundation caused an unprecedented shift in the enterprise space. As responsibility was transferred to this open-source community, the namespace also had to change to reflect this new direction.

“As the technologists likely know, the javax namespace cannot be evolved by the Jakarta EE community. As such, we are focused on defining a new namespace for future Jakarta EE specifications”
– Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director at The Eclipse Foundation.

Package Name Transition

As a part of the transition, `javax.persistence-api` became `jakarta.persistence-api`. It effectively demonstrates the shift from Java EE (Enterprise Edition) under Oracle’s purview to Jakarta EE under the Eclipse Foundation’s governance.

Here’s a sample code snippet indicating how you might refer to these packages in your Java Code:

Old Package Declaration:

import javax.persistence.*

New Package Declaration:

import jakarta.persistence.*

Spring Data JPA Adoption

With regards to Spring Data JPA Starter, it recognized the momentum towards the `’jakarta.*’` namespace and elected to adopt the `jakarta.persistence-api` package to stay aligned with the broader trend, thus aiding developers in migrating their applications.

While there will naturally be growing pains during this transition, developers can ultimately expect more innovation and community engagement as Jakarta EE further establishes its identity separate from its Java EE roots.

For interested readers keen to delve into the specifics of this change, visit the official Eclipse Foundation website here.

Implications and Changes for Developers in Spring Data JPA Starter after Shift

The transition from javax.persistence-api to jakarta.persistence-api in Spring Data JPA Starter brings several interesting perspectives and changes for Java developers. The shift aligns with an effort towards a new future of enterprise Java, relocating under the stewardship of the Eclipse Foundation instead of Oracle. Triggers some points to understand:

1. Ongoing Effort Towards A New Future
The transformation is part of the larger initiative known as Jakarta EE [Reference: Eclipse Jakarta EE]. This endeavor aims at innovating enterprise Java technologies under an open-source, community-driven process.

2. No Immediate Impact on Functionality
Underneath, the fundamental workings of the persistence API remain unchanged. Hence, developers who are familiar with javax.persistence will find their knowledge still applicable after the shift to jakarta.persistence.

Here’s a code comparison illustrating this point:

package com.example.demo;

import javax.persistence.*;

public class DemoEntity {
// implementation…


package com.example.demo;

import jakarta.persistence.*;

public class DemoEntity {
// implementation…

3. Potential Need For Code Modification
Despite the unaltered functionality, the change may necessitate modifications in your existing code. If your applications explicitly reference javax.persistence classes, you will need to update those references to employ jakarta.persistence instead.

4. Compatibility Challenges
There might be compatibility obstacles to overcome. Many persistence providers and frameworks are yet to add support for jakarta.persistence. Therefore, thorough testing should be conducted before deploying applications in production environments.

5. Legal Aspect:
“When it comes to open source, culture and legal decisions can impact the community just as much as any coding activity” –David Linthicum. The shift from javax.persistence to jakarta.persistence mainly occurred due to legal reasons, with Oracle not allowing the Specifications and APIs to use the ‘javax’ package name any further within the new specification process.

Despite these challenges, the switch to jakarta.persistence symbolizes an essential step forward for the Java community. This evolution ensures that developers continue to have access to fully open-source Java technologies.

How does jakarta.persistence-api Enhance Functionality Over its Predecessor?

The jakarta.persistence-api is an upgrade over its predecessor javax.persistence-api in several significant ways. Notably, it encapsulates key enhancements that push the boundaries of enterprise application development following industry-standard Java Persistence API (JPA).

Essentially, Spring Data JPA has switched to jakarta.persistence-api for additional benefits, such as:

• Offer a more comprehensive error handling mechanism, which contributes towards building highly reliable and fault-tolerant applications.

• Provide enhanced compatibility with various database providers to maximize versatility. This way, developers have greater liberty to choose their preferred database vendor without worrying about compatibility issues.

• Proposed to include Date and Time API from Java 8+, which lets application developers work with date and time in a much more lavish, secure, and easy-to-understand manner.

• Embrace modern programming conventions that promote code clean-up and effective code reuse. This endeavor breeds maintainable codebase, making life easier for developers involved in large-scale projects.

While discussing javax.persistence-api and its compelling successor, it’s appropriate to mention EclipseLink, the default persistence provider in Jakarta EE platforms. Originally created by Oracle, EclipseLink was released under an open source license and later became part of Jakarta EE initiative.

A quote by Fred Brooks, a renowned computer architect, comes to mind here:

“Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement.”

In many ways, this statement represents the evolutionary path of jakarta.persistence-api from javax.persistence-api. The transition exhibits lessons learned from previous experiences, rectifying drawbacks, and making informed choices to provide an improved persistence layer for Java developers.

For illustrative purpose, let’s consider an example where you annotate an entity class using jakarta.persistence-api new annotations:

    import jakarta.persistence.Entity;    
    import jakarta.persistence.Id;
    public class User {

        private int id;
        private String name; 
        // getters and setters omitted for brevity 

This code snippet demonstrates how you can leverage jakarta.persistence-api to define your user Entity class similar to how it was done with javax.persistence-api.

Hopefully, these observations provide an understanding of why Spring Data JPA starter chose to replace the javax.persistence-api with jakarta.persistence-api.

The monumental transformation from javax.persistence-api to jakarta.persistence-api in Spring Data JPA Starter is anchored fundamentally on the broader principle of evolving software architecture to accommodate new developments and enhance system performance. The remarkably smooth transition has emphasized the enduring relevance of system adaptability in response to changing technological requirements.

To begin with, a brief exploration of the persistence APIs offers profound insight into its core functionality. Essentially, the


was hitherto responsible for providing object-relational mapping (ORM) capabilities in Java applications, thereby simplifying database operations with seamless entity management [source].

However, in pursuit of architectural evolution, Eclipse Foundation sought transfer of control over Java EE technologies from Oracle Corporation to the Eclipse Jakarta EE platform. Consequently, the specification package name had to change from `javax.*` to


. Hence the birth of


, amplifying not only the forward-looking perspective that underpins progressive system re-design but also resonates with the notion expressed by Kent Beck:

“Software development is a journey of continuous learning and adjustment.”

Examining this transition more closely unravels three compelling rationales justifying replacement of `javax.persistence-api` with `jakarta.persistence-api`:

Aspect Rationale
Ownership Transition Java’s standardization process mandates that ownership of Java EE specifications resides with their original author, in this case, Oracle Corporation. The transition was necessary to legalize the Eclipse Foundation’s stewardship over the revised specifications.
Name Change The move away from ‘javax’ encapsulates a broader strategic intent to avoid potential legal hassles over naming rights, ensuring brand consistency across all packages aligned with the now controlling body, Eclipse Foundation.
Technology Enhancement In line with progression norms dictated by the software ecosystem, replacement enabled integration of advanced functionalities in tune with current industry practices, whilst maintaining backward compatibility with legacy projects using Java’s standardized annotations and APIs.

Thus, appreciating the driving forces behind the paradigm shift from `javax.persistence-api` to `jakarta.persistence-api` offers valuable learning curve and further emphasises on the springboard of technology adaptation as aptly articulated by Charles Darwin:

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

Notwithstanding the replacement, comprehensive support continues for existing applications using `javax.persistence-api`, ensuring balance between innovation and continuity. Indeed, this transition exemplifies commitment to fostering enhanced software experience while sustaining legacy system standards. The symbiotic relationship showcased here, truly testifies to the inherent power of technology evolution where innovation harmoniously co-exists with tradition.
