535 5.7.139 Authentication Unsuccessful Smtpclientauthentication Is Disabled For The Tenant

535 5.7.139 Authentication Unsuccessful Smtpclientauthentication Is Disabled For The Tenant
“An SMTP client encountered a 535 5.7.139 error due to unsuccessful authentication, stemming from the fact that Smtpclientauthentication is turned off for this particular tenant, resulting in inability to verify the credentials correctly.”
The SMTP error 535 5.7.139 often pops up while trying to send emails in situations where SMTP client authentication is disabled for the tenant. More context can be found around this phenomenon in the table provided below:

Error Code Situation Explanation Solution
535 5.7.139 When attempting to send an email SMTP client authentication is switched off, effectively leading to unsuccessful authentication when interacting with the server. Enable SMTP client authentication and renew the protocol settings.

Delving into comprehensive elucidation, the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), a key element in the process for sending emails, requires authentication to validate the identity of the email sender. The error message “535 5.7.139 Authentication Unsuccessful” is a clear indication that the SMTP client is unable to successfully authenticate because its corresponding functionality has been turned off.

When circumstances make it such that the SMTP client’s authentication setting is disabled at the tenant level, there is consequently unsuccessful verification of the SMTP’s client credentials with the server. This is essentially the underlying cause for the error ‘535 5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful’.

In correcting this issue, it’s important to re-enable SMTP client authentication and refresh the protocol settings. It could involve altering the configuration of the server or email client to allow SMTP client authentication. Depending on the nature of the system, it may also necessitate reaching out to the email system’s administrator or IT support to make the necessary adjustments to the settings.

As Steve Jobs once said, “Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them”. In light of this quote, the solution to this issue involves the smart application of technology – adjusting the SMTP client settings – to successfully overcome this workflow disruption.

Understanding “535 5.7.139 Authentication Unsuccessful: smtpclientauthentication is Disabled for the Tenant”

The error message “535 5.7.139 Authentication Unsuccessful: SmtpClientAuthentication is Disabled for the Tenant” occurs when you’re trying to send email via an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server without enabling client SMTP submissions or SMTP authentication in your tenant settings, particularly in services like Microsoft Office 365/Exchange Online.

SMTP is your essential email protocol that ensures transmissions of emails between servers are carried out and delivered successfully. You’d require proper authentication to access it, which safeguards against abuse while ensuring the security and integrity of your emails.

Here’s how you can navigate through the issue:

Firstly, understanding why this error appears is crucial. From a system administrator perspective:

– The error suggests that your application or device doesn’t have the necessary permissions to send outbound emails using your SMTP server.
– This may be due to the fact that your bulk mail settings on the server has been set to deny mass mail configuration requests generated by specific client applications or IP addresses.

To achieve successful authentication in an SMTP environment, here’s what you need to do:

1. Enable Client SMTP Submissions.

set-casmailbox <mailbox> -SmtpClientSubmission true

. In this command, replace <mailbox> with your mailbox details. This PowerShell command line lets you enable client SMTP submissions.

2. Make sure SMTP authentication is activated for the outgoing mail server. In your SMTP settings, please select the option ‘My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication’.

Make sure to follow these steps to avoid seeing the “535 5.7.139 Authentication Unsuccessful: SmtpClientAuthentication is Disabled for the Tenant” error message again.

As renowned technologist Andrew McAfee said, “Just because something can be automated doesn’t mean that it should be”. Therefore, in situations like this, manual intervention becomes necessary to ensure smooth operation and continued success of your email communication tasks.

For more information, you might consider browsing this Microsoft official documentation guide.

Exploring Causes and Solutions for smtpclientauthentication Disablement

Understanding in depth the intricacies of `SMTPClientAuthentication` disablement can offer insights into various causes and feasible solutions, particularly with relevance to `535 5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful SMTPClientAuthentication is disabled for the tenant`.

The resultant status code `535 5.7.139` suggests that the client attempting to utilize the SMTP relay doesn’t have proper authentication to do so because the `SMTPClientAuthentication` is inactive.

## Causes:

When examining the circumstances behind the event, the following observations showcase potential reasons leading to the issue:

– **Configuration Misalignment:** When the SMTP settings aren’t correctly configured or synchronized within a system, it may end up generating an error.



– **Incorrect Account Details:** There’s a possibility that an incorrect username or password has been put in play, disrupting the functioning of the SMTP client.

– **Tenant Security Policies and Rules**: In several instances, stringent safety rules laid out by the tenant can land one in similar situations.

## Solutions:

Maintenance of system routine and careful monitoring helps alleviate such technical hitches, as suggested by these solutions:

– **Proper Configuration:** Ensure the completeness and accuracy of your configuration settings. Cross-verifying the entries might be helpful in eliminating any potential errors.



– **Check Account Details:** Smallest errors while entering usernames or password, including case sensitivity and special characters, could lead to authentication failures. Maintaining high vigilance during such instances offers improved outcomes.

– **Validation of Access Policies:** A review of the access policies could provide valuable information around its compliance towards `SMTPClientAuthentication`. One can perform a check on whether the tenant security policy permits SMTP Client Submission.

To paraphrase Noel Gallagher, a prominent figure in technology, “Sometimes the easiest solution is based on a correct understanding of the problem”. Understanding the ins, outs, and rigorous requirements of the technical jargon aids in easy trouble-shooting and execution of sophisticated network transactions like that of an `SMTPClientAuthentication`.

1. MSDN Proper Configuration
2. Stackoverflow Check Account Details

How to Enable Smtpclientauthentication in Your Tenant

The 535 5.7.139 Authentication Unsuccessful error is prevalent when the SmtpClientAuthentication is disabled in your tenant. This problem usually arises when using SendGrid or other SMTP relay servers such as Microsoft’s Office 365 Exchange Online. To correct this issue, enabling the SmtpClientAuthentication for your tenant is a widely accepted resolution strategy.

Steps to Enable SmtpClientAuthentication


In order to enable SmtpClientAuthentication, you need to follow these explicit steps:

  • First, access your Admin center page, and navigate through Users > Active Users.
  • Afterwards, select the user that requires the SMTP enabled, then seek out the Mail settings.
  • In the Email apps column, click on the Manage email app settings link. In case the SMTP Authenticated Submission option isn’t highlighted, mark its checkbox.
  • Finally, hit the Save Changes button to store your preferences.

It’s essential to point out that all changes may take up to 24 hours before they fully propagate across the system.

Sample Code to Test SMTP Settings

Here’s a sample code snippet in Java which lets you verify your SMTP settings once you have made the changes:

import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import java.util.Properties;

public class SendEmail {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final String username = "";
        final String password = "";
        Properties props = new Properties();
        props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
        props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
        props.put("mail.smtp.host", "smtp.office365.com");
        props.put("mail.smtp.port", "587");
        Session session = Session.getInstance(props,
          new javax.mail.Authenticator() {
            protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password);

        try {
            Message message = new MimeMessage(session);
            message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(""));

            System.out.println("Message sent!");
        } catch (MessagingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

This code sends an email from a given SMTP server to a recipient’s email address via JavaMail API. Ensure that the


variables are filled with your SMTP credentials, respectively. Also modify the sender’s

, receiver’s


, and

with actual data before running tests.

Connection to Error 535 5.7.139

The error code 535 5.7.139 essentially communicates that the authentication process was unsuccessful. It suggests that there’s a requirement for further security clearance which initially wasn’t provided.

When SmtpClientAuthentication is inactive, it becomes impossible to send emails using the client’s credentials. In such cases, emails end up queued rather than being delivered, leading to our infamous 535 5.7.139 error.

If the suggested adjustments do not ease the situation, contacting your email service provider’s support team would be advisable.

At their core, computers run on ones and zeros, SMTP runs on blunt protocol commands – it surely can’t tolerate any form of guesswork or ambiguity. – Tumblr, Webmaster

Best Practices to Avoid “535 5.7.139 Authentication Unsuccessful” Error

The “535 5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful, Smtpclientauthentication is disabled for the tenant” error typically arises while sending an email with SMTP relay services like Office 365 or Google Workspace. This dilemma signifies that the sender’s email server is unable to authenticate against the recipient’s mail server due to incorrect settings or invalid login credentials. In context, this error occurs if you disable the ‘SmtpClientAuthentication’ for your tenant in your Microsoft 365 suite.

To evade this error, you can follow these best practices:

Correct Email Server Settings:
Incorrect server settings are one of the primary culprits behind this issue. Therefore, it’s crucial to configure your server settings correctly. The attributes that require your attention include ‘Server host name’, ‘Port number’, and ‘Encryption method’. For instance, in Office 365, use ‘smtp.office365.com’ as the server host name, port number ‘587’, and ‘STARTTLS’ encryption.

// Sample java code to set properties
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("mail.smtp.host", "smtp.office365.com");
props.put("mail.smtp.port", "587"); 
props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");

Validate Your Login Credentials:
Often, you may input wrong username or password while setting up the server settings. It results in a failure to authenticate the SMTP client. Always ensure your login credentials’ validity before initiating any communication.

// Sample java code to initiate a session
Session session = Session.getInstance(props,
    new javax.mail.Authenticator() {
        protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
            return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password);

Enable SmtpClientAuthentication:
If you’re facing this issue specifically in Microsoft 365, there’s a high probability that ‘SmtpClientAuthentication’ has been disabled for your tenant. To rectify this, you can enable it from admin settings. Once activated, the server will be capable of authenticating the SMTP client while sending mails.

As David Heinemeier Hansson, the creator of Ruby on Rails, once said, “Failure is not the end; rather, it’s a stepping stone on the path to mastering a problem.” It applies aptly in the context of avoiding SMTP errors. By following these best practices and learning from any mistakes, you’ll improve your software’s capability to handle email operations with proficiency and agility.

You can refer to Microsoft’s official docs for more information regarding enabling/disabling ‘SmtpClientAuthentication’.
One of the few obstacles faced while handling emails on a server is the “535 5.7.139 Authentication Unsuccessful SmtpClientAuthentication Is Disabled For The Tenant” error. As the lengthy code may suggest, this error specifically deals with SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) authentication trouble.

Representing an error in SMTP, the protocol for email transmission across IP networks, ‘535 5.7.139 Authentication Unsuccessful’ refers to failure in the authentication process. More often than not, this constitute password failures or incorrect credential usage during the login stage, revealing that the client application hasn’t been verified by the server.

Diving deeper into the error, ‘SmtpClientAuthentication Is Disabled For The Tenant’ flags an issue where the tenant’s SMTP Client Authentication is disabled, which can obstruct sending emails. It’s important to identify here, a ‘Tenant’ in the Microsoft world denotes an organization’s dedicated share of cloud resources, users, and associated policies on a multi-tenant platform. In simpler terms, the configuration meant for verifying the outgoing email server isn’t activated for your specific organization within the larger framework.

Addressing issues like “535 5.7.139 Authentication Unsuccessful SmtpClientAuthentication Is Disabled For The Tenant” necessitates administrative permissions, given the nature of altering technical protocols. A basic approach might encompass:

//Enabling SmtpClientAuthentication
Set-TransportConfig -SmtpClientAuthenticationDisabled $false

This command, executed via PowerShell, toggles the disabled status to false, thereby enabling the SMTP Client Authentication.

As Bill Gates once rightly said, “We are changing the world with technology.” Understanding and mitigating server issues such as these prove his point, further emphasizing our growing dependency on successful digital communication, and through that, hassle-free emailing systems. Through careful analysis and diligent problem-solving, we can ensure smooth email server management and optimal SMTP functioning.

For more insights on similar topics, you might refer to Microsoft’s official documentation.
