Updating To Spring Security 6.0 – Replacing Removed And Deprecated Functionality For Securing Requests

With the update to Spring Security 6.0, users can benefit from enhanced cybersecurity by utilizing new features designed to replace removed and deprecated functionalities for securing requests, providing a more streamlined approach to application protection.
In the context of updating to Spring Security 6.0, several notable changes have taken place in the functionality used for securing requests, particularly pertaining to removed and deprecated features. An understanding of these evolutions is crucial to ensure seamless integration and maximize the benefits of this version.

Action Documentation For Replacement
Replace uses of

The Spring Security Documentation provides new standard syntax for method chaining while configuring.
Retire interpretations of null values as permitAll The official Security Documentation recommends explicit usage of



Understanding the value of each cell in the foregoing table cells will singularly contribute to a simplified process of adopting Spring Security 6.0. The leftmost column addresses the specific feature or operation within the previous iteration of Spring Security that requires modification. This includes elements such as utilising the `.and()` method in command queries or assigning null values to represent `permitAll`. On the contrary, the rightmost column links the replacement procedure. These range from exhibiting new methods for syntax stringing in configuration using the up-to-date Spring security Documentation, to instructing express use of `.permitAll()` rather than leaving values unspecified, based on learning from latest Security Documentation.

This novel approach brings simplification and enhances readability of code structure. Indeed, as Alan Kay, a pioneering computer scientist opined, “Simple things should be simple, complex things should be possible.” Updating to Spring Security 6.0 not only remembers this adage but also allows developers to accomplish complexities with ease by replacing removed and outdated functions with more efficient alternatives.

Understanding the Changes in Spring Security 6.0

When Spring Security released its 6.0 version, numerous alterations were made for enhancing security procedures and enabling efficient application programming methodologies. The main aspect of this change was the replacement of removed and deprecated functionality, primarily involving securing requests. This adjustment is essential for developers seeking to update their applications to Spring Security 6.0 as it brings about new strategies for request authorization.

In the older versions of Spring, the function


was used extensively by developers to implement URL based security, setting up acceptable roles for specific HTTP endpoints in an application. However, with the advent of Spring Security 6.0, there was a paradigm shift. The aforementioned method has been superseded by using more complex but robust techniques.

To understand the changes, let’s consider a coding example from the earlier versions of Spring Security:


Upon updating to Spring Security 6.0, the same code fragment turns into:

http.authorizeRequests(authorize -> authorize

A primary modification in this case involves segregating the request matchers from permit all conditions, providing increased flexibility and customization options. The new approach encapsulates the authorization conditions into a lambda expression contributing towards cleaner code.

Another significant modification in Spring Security 6.0, is replacing




. By replacing


, short and readable chaining of different methods has improved, aiding developers to write less redundant and more comprehensible codes.

As [Kent Beck](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_Beck), one of the key founders of agile development once said, “Make it work, make it right, make it fast”. It’s crucial to comprehend that Spring security modifications are implemented not just for innovation’s sake, but also aim at delivering optimized and secure solutions.

For preventing deprecated functionality issues after migrating your applications to Spring Security 6.0, ensure to refactor the parts of your code that are involved in request security. A comprehensive solution typically involves modifying your current security configurations to absorb the latest request authorization pattern.

Replacing Removed Functionality with Updated Alternatives

The process of updating to Spring Security 6.0 will entail dealing adequately with the replacement of removed and deprecated functionality utilized for securing requests, assuring that there is a smooth transition towards more high-level and secure methods.

One significant aspect to consider is customizing your URL-based access control. For earlier versions (< 6.0),


was commonly used for defining access control rules based on Ant-style path patterns. The method’s availability, however, has been reduced in Spring Security 6.0, and thus, adapting to this change using an updated alternative becomes necessary.

Rather than using


, the following improved alternative would be employed:

http.authorizeHttpRequests(authz -> authz
     .mvcMatchers("/path2/**", "/path3/**").hasRole("ROLE_2")

Here, through calling `authorizeHttpRequests()` on an `http` object, we are invoking lambda function for the `authz` parameter, helping us attain a more explicit authorization structure compared to its predecessor method. Also noteworthy is the absence of any vulnerability to bypasses common to Ant-style path patterns[^1^].

For managing redirection after form login success/deauthentication, previously the application was framed around

.defaultSuccessURL("/successUrl", true)



. With those suscepted to deprecation, their replacements would look something like this:

http.formLogin((formLogin) -> 
http.logout((logout) -> 

Jumping into the spectrum of changing request matchers, Spring Security 6.0 now supports the Servlet API `HttpServletRequest` request matcher method. This allows accurately capturing servlet path nuances while leveraging invocations authenticated by Spring Security[^2^].

As Virginia Satir said, “The only problem with change is the resistance to it”, it’s noteworthy to realize that part of moving onwards to Spring Security 6.0 implies acclimatizing with certain unavoidable changes. While initial challenges might be faced while transitioning from deprecated methods to new functions and approaches, the enhanced security aspects offered make them worthwhile.

[^1^]: [Introduction to the new OAuth2 Stack in Spring Security 5 – Baeldung](https://www.baeldung.com/spring-security-5-oauth2-login)
[^2^]: [A Quick Guide To Spring @RequestAttribute Annotation – DZone Java](https://dzone.com/articles/a-quick-guide-to-spring-requestattribute-annotatio)

Managing Migration: Adapting to Deprecated Features in Spring Security 6.0

Migrating to Spring Security 6.0 from previous versions can present challenges as certain functionalities become deprecated and new features are introduced. Features that were once crucial or often-used may no longer be supported, necessitating developers to understand the alternatives and make necessary adjustments in their respective applications.

The Spring Security team provides comprehensive documentation with each release, detailing changes, additions, and deprecations which should serve as your first point of reference for migration Spring Security Documentation. In addition, specific focus on replacing removed and deprecated functionality for securing requests would entail modifications along these lines:

Deprecated Function Replacement in Spring Security 6.0

method in HttpSecurity configurations

Direct chaining of methods e.g.

http.antMatcher("/user/**").authorizeRequests(authz -> authz.anyRequest().authenticated()).formLogin(withDefaults())


CORS configuration under

CORS to be configured directly within Spring MVC using


annotation or global CORS config

It is of fundamental importance to adapt to these changes synchronously with the updated version due to two reasons primarily:

  • Continuing operation on deprecated methods might lead to unstable behavior or partial loss of functionality.
  • New mechanisms provide added layers of security, improved performance, and alignment with revised industry standards.

In the words of Joel Spolsky, a renowned software engineer and writer – “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ is the slogan of the complacent, not the striver or adequately agile developer”. Hence, adapting to significant changes like such during migration proves beneficial in maintaining consistency, and leading to long term stability and efficiency of the application.


Securing Requests in a New Era: Leveraging Spring Security 6.0

With the continuous improvements in Spring Security, it has outgrown to offer robust features for securing your java applications. The upcoming version, Spring Security 6.0, introduces changes to fundamental parts of its design that not only amplifies security coverage but also helps developers replace deprecated or removed functionality in a transparent and manageable way.

Focusing on providing an upgrade path from earlier versions of Spring Security, let’s delve into how developers can adapt to Spring Security 6.0 by replacing removed and deprecated functionality for securing requests:

Replacing Removed Invocation-Based Security

Spring Security 6.0 brings the deprecation of its invocation-based model for URL and method security. This model put the burden of handling security checks on the developer. The primary replacement is the adoption of an expression-based access control syntax.

For instance, if you have used the


annotation in Spring Security 5.x like this:


In Spring Security 6.0, the preferred approach would be to declare expressions in the configuration:


The new approach is cleaner and more aligned with Spring’s convention-over-configuration philosophy, offering greater flexibility.

The Introduction of Reactive Elements

An important feature of Spring Security 6.0 is its adoption of reactive programming paradigms centered around the use of Flux and Mono from Project Reactor. Earlier versions that used Servlet API should now switch to WebFlux.

Here is an example of traditional Servlet-based method:

private User getUserFromDatabase(Id id) {
    return database.findUserById(id);

This can be replaced with a reactive style:

private Mono getUserFromDatabase(Id id) {
    return Mono.fromCallable(()->database.findUserById(id));

Reactive programming enables better resource utilization and aids the creation of responsive and resilient software.

By keeping up with the updates, transitions from old methodologies to new ones will be seamless thereby enhancing the overall security of your application. Ralph Johnson once said, “Before software can be reusable it first has to be usable.” Thus, adapting to these changes will bear fruitful results. Embracing the modern ways offered by Spring Security 6.0 will help in making your application more secure and efficient in terms of performance. Giving heed to these modifications will maintain the relevance and durability of your code in line with best security practices. References detailing these changes can be found on the [‘Spring Security Github Repository’](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security) which offers a rich source of code examples and transitional documentation.

The shift from previous versions of Spring Security to 6.0 necessitates a look into the deprecated and removed features. These functions, once integral to securing requests, must be replaced appropriately to maintain optimal security throughout the application.

The process starts by recognizing those features moved out of the latest version. An in-depth assessment of your project’s current use of the Spring Security library will help identify which functionalities are impacted. Common victims could be


, which is no longer available or the usage of deprecated



Spring’s official documentation on ‘PasswordEncoder’ elucidates recommended replacements such as



For intricate cases where manual replacements are required, it becomes necessary to dive into how older modules balanced security needs with user ease. Then, seek out the modernized equivalent methods in Spring Security 6.0.

However, merely running your server after making these adjustments does not warrant complete security. Testing is as crucial in this update as rebuilding itself. Authenticating user stories and conducting penetration tests assures that the updates made in line with Spring Security 6.0 remain functional and effective.

Niklaus Wirth, a well-respected Swiss computer scientist, said – “Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence.” Hence, post-update, application security testing isn’t just recommended, but necessary to ensure you’re building on a robust foundation.

Consider using


throughout your test suites. It helps create an Authentication and set SecurityContextHolder, essential for performing critical authorization related tests.

Maintaining constant vigilance towards potential security improvements is beneficial. A keen eye over the ever-evolving tech ecosystem aids in staying ahead of potential threats and bugs.

Imparting necessary alterations to accommodate and benefit from its modified structure is vital while transitioning towards Spring Security version 6.0. With appropriate actions, we can harness this change’s full potential and pave the way for a more secure Spring application deployment.
